Red Bull meets Harley Davidson. NABSA engaged Plumb to redesign their logo and rebrand their website. While Blokart does rhyme with Go Cart the similarities end right there! Blokart is a seriously speedy land yacht-less friction, less weight, no brakes. And, using nothing but the wind for power, it can reach speeds of up to 60mph. Our communications strategy was to focus on Speed and Simplicity. Our objective was to create intrigue, interest and a buzz around the sport to encourage new Adrenaline Junkies. Our objective was to ensure children and families could participate easily and not feel intimidated. Capturing the hard-core thrill of the experience was at the core of our strategy. It started with a tagline: LET IT RIP! It Which captures the spirit behind the sport. Our photography features wide-grinning faces and the pure joy of the experience. We featured the Blokart in action and showcased its portability, flexibility and affordability. Our Blokart Klub encourages everyone to join in: solo speedsters, leisure seekers, families, newbies and serious racers. The Blokart Klub created a family and unifies unique individuals into one big crazy tribe. We created an atmosphere and brand that dares you to try it.